How To Handle A Car Accident in Washington State

For many people, knowing exactly what to do after an automobile accident can seem shaky: you’ve just been through a rough time, and they find that they don’t know what to do. Luckily, there are several easy steps to take when you’ve been in an automobile accident.

Step One

Call the police to come to the scene of the automobile accident. This is an essential part of the documentation. Try to make sure nobody leaves the scene of the accident.

Make sure everyone in your vehicle and the other vehicle are safe. If your car is in the middle of the road and it is safe to do so, try to push the car to the side of the road. Do not attempt to flee the scene. This is a crime. This DMV link explains which witnesses need to stay. Generally, anyone who saw the accident must stay. It is a good idea to stay even if the accident isn’t your fault, as hit and run penalties are steep in Washington State. There are reports of people who have been arrested after they’ve fled the scene of an accident.

Do not agree to “just take down” the person’s information. Make sure to get the information for them and their insurance, but do not agree to not file with your insurance company.

Step Two

Contact your insurance company. Let them know the extent of your claim and attempt to set them up as quickly as possible.

Take pictures of any damage that you have on your automobile, and back those pictures up in a safe online location. These pictures will enable you to get your proper claim.

Should you Call a Lawyer?

If the damage to your vehicle was significant, or you had any personal injury, you may want to call a lawyer. A professional personal injury lawyer in Vancouver will take the time to listen to you and determine whether or not they have a case. If you have any kind of personal injury, there is a good chance that you may be entitled to compensation, so it’s a wise idea to contact the lawyer if you are hurt or injured.